The Emergency Response Team (ERT) is responsible for creating, implementing, updating and maintaining an appropriate plan of action. The ERT is also responsible for the responding to the seven emergency response stages presented below. An annual evaluation of the following stages and their implementation is conducted.

The Emergency Response Teams response to all weather conditions is to implement a seven-stage process that includes Stage I- Exploration of Weather Conditions, Stage II- Risk Assessment and Decision Making, and Stage III- Effective Communication, Stage IV- Implementing of Pre-Established Action Plan, Stage V- Surveillance and Check-In Points, Stage VI- Counseling and Spiritual Outreach, and Stage VII- Medical and Emergency. Each stage has a committee and chair from Colleges Emergency Response Team for implementation purposes.

The ERT will convene pre-emergency, post emergency and provide a list of faculty, staff, and students offering themselves as volunteers during emergencies to the Vice President for Finance and Administration or his/her designee. The list should identify primary and alternate volunteers- the actual number of volunteers needed to determine by the number of students relocated to the campus shelter, the anticipated duration of the emergency, and areas/sectors also needing volunteers (i.e. Help Desk). Once identified, these individuals constitute what will be referred to as Team B. They will be notified and, subsequently, provided with specific emergency response duties. Team B will include but is not limited to the following categories of volunteers: Facility Managers, Shelter Workers, Food Handlers, Medical Assistants, Drivers, Facility Maintenance Personnel/Housekeepers, Security Officers, Media Specialist and Administrative Support Personnel.

Vice President for Finance and Administration, Chair

Provides oversight for all operations of the Emergency Response Team and makes decisions relevant to student relocation to campus shelter and/or campus evacuation. Review policy and procedures, publish letters of appointment, coordinate services with EIIA (Insurance Carrier) as needed and provide funds necessary to operate before, during and after the emergency and other related duties. Delegates additional duties and directs responses as needed.

Vice President for Student Affairs, Coordinator

Works in tandem with the Vice President for Finance and Administration. Oversees all emergency response issues pertinent to both residential and commuting students. Reports directly to the Vice President for Finance and Administration or his/her designee.

Chief Information Officer

Prepare the administrative computer center for damage control, prepare for resumption of computer services and equipment and provide alternative repository for backup databases and other related duties. Reports directly to the Vice President for Finance and Administration or his/her designee.

Office of Public Relations Representative

Obtain all pertinent emergency response information from outside sources such as: news media, utility companies, governmental agencies, other educational institutions and community organizations for dissemination to all university constituency groups. Establish liaison with local radio, television, and other news media and prepare briefs for the President, and the ECC. Prepare public announcements for release, as directed by the President or his/her designee. This individual reports directly to the Vice President for Finance and Administration or his/her designee.

Human Resource Management Director

Direct the protection of sensitive and important payroll and personnel files with the assistance of the Chief Information Officer. Provide Emergency Response Team with emergency recall phone rosters for Administration, Cabinet Members; prepare sign-in and sign-out rosters to be used by Emergency Response Team members and Faculty, Staff and Administrator Volunteers. Assist the Vice President for Finance and Administrators with filing of claims and other related duties. This individual reports directly to the Vice President for Finance and Administration or his/her designee.

Physical Plant Director

Direct the acquisition of emergency equipment, tools, and materials as needed. Ensure that adequate emergency equipment is supplied to each designated shelter includes flashlights, batteries, portable radios, bedding, food/water supplies and personnel to provide routine maintenance and housekeeping. Provide personnel and equipment to perform shutdown procedures, hazardous area control, barricades, property damage assessment, debris clearance, power restoration and plumbing, water and waste removal/restoration. Assist campus photographer in identifying, videotaping, and photographing all hurricane damage (i.e. grounds, buildings, equipment and supplies that have received damage or been lost. Responsible for maintaining generators and, as needed, refueling. This individual reports directly to the Vice President for Fiscal Affairs and Administration or his/her designee.

Student Health Service Director

Directs the protection of sensitive and important medical information, student medical records. Provide the necessary medical supplies to the designated campus shelter(s) and coordinates medical emergency services with local hospital Halifax ER) and other agencies. This individual works closely with Counseling Services and is expected to maintain a list of crisis and Special Needs shelters. This individual reports directly to the Vice President for Finance and Administration or his/her designee.

Residential Life (Male and Female Deans)

Gather pertinent information including an accurate count of students to be sheltered for the Food Service Personnel, provide up-to-date ICE (In Case of Emergency) information for all students, a list of students who reside off-campus, students who have been placed in other shelter(s) and students who departed the area with or without parental permission. Directs the protection of sensitive student file information, facilitate student movement between campus housing and shelters, coordinate and assign resident hall staff to serve as shelter monitors as well as SGA Members, RAs, volunteer Faculty, Staff, Administrators, and AmeriCorps Members. These individuals report directly to the Vice President for Fiscal Affairs and Administration or his/her designee.

Food Service Director

The General Manager of Food Services is responsible for obtaining, storing, and disseminating food and food-related supplies to each resident hall and/or approved campus shelter upon student relocation. (Meals are provided in residence hall ONLY when storms have been classified as Category 1.) Inform students that an emergency result in a department from regular menus and preparation styles. Supplies include non-perishable food and water proportioned per day, per person for 3 to 7 days. Responds to special dietary foods requested by either the Residential Life Staff or the Student Health Services Staff for Special Needs as documented in student files. This individual reports directly to the Vice President for Fiscal Affairs and Administration or his/her designee.

Transportation Director

Compiles vehicle inventory, top-off all gas tanks, schedule drives, and provides emergency vehicle to ECC (preferably an all terrain type) to be used for medical emergencies and campus assessments. This individual reports directly to the Vice President for Fiscal Affairs and Administration or his/her designee.

Safety/Security Director

Mobilizes and takes immediate and appropriate actions to protect life property. Maintains Safety Readiness at all times, act as liaison between the Emergency Response Team and the appropriate outside governmental agencies (Fire, Medical, Police), and provides control of hazardous areas, properties, control of campus perimeter through the use of internal security patrols and fire prevention services as needed. This individual reports directly and daily to the Vice President for Finance and Administration or his/her designee.

Director of Religious Affairs/College Chaplain

Provides spiritual counseling during minor emergencies, major emergencies, and disasters to all and minister to the Emergency Response Team staff. Creates religious programming for students relocate to campus shelter (i.e. prayer and worship services, testimony sessions, Bible Study, etc.)

Counseling Services Director

Provide 24-hour availability of Counseling Services personnel. Provides interpersonal counseling to students, faculty, and administrators. Provides counseling to students relocated to campus shelter, students traveling following announcement of campus evacuation, and students upon resumption of regular school systems and operations. Notifies parents/guardians of situations requiring their input and attention. Makes referrals of students to appropriate external agencies where appropriate.