Hazardous materials can be found in places on the campus, from the Student Health Center, to the residence halls, to the Science Building, to the Motor Pool. A toxic spill can occur on the campus, two blocks east of the campus from a rail car or six miles west of the camp on ISB and I-95. To prepare for such we must:

  • Ensure properly labeling all materials coming to the campus
  • Supervise all laboratory use of hazardous materials
  • Use and properly dispose of all hazardous waste materials
  • Conduct routine environmental inspections to ensure safety
  • Purchase and store equipment and devices needed to respond to such (gloves, gowns, mask, chemical wash, etc)

In the event of a spill on campus, contact the Office of Safety/Security immediately and be specific about the nature, materials and location of the incident. Clear the area to avoid further contamination, but do not leave the general area. Key personnel will shut down ventilation systems and close doors-do not lock doors-and/or establish perimeter of at least 500 feet away until Security and others arrive.

If the spill occurs off campus, follow the directives provided by the President or her/his designee via the local authorities. Remember, do not panic, look, listen, reduce further risk where possible and help others.