User Services
Ask a Librarian
Ask A Librarian is an email service that aids Bethune Cookman University students, faculty and staff. If you experience difficulty locating a book, accessing the online databases, resetting your password, or have a reference question, please forward all questions to
If you are a student, faculty, or staff member of Bethune-Cookman University, please send email from your B-CU email account, to ensure proper delivery of correspondence.
Identification Cards
Your Bethune-Cookman University identification card is used for all library transactions. The identification card must be current and belong to the person using it. No other form of identification may be used to check out or reserve materials. You should immediately report a lost card to the Office of Student Affairs.
Copy and Fax Service
Copies can be made at the Circulation Desk for .10 cents per copy (.15 cents a color copy).
Faxes can be received at (386) 481-2799
Study Rooms
The Library has several study rooms available for small and large group study, tutorial sessions and faculty/staff meetings. Rooms are located on the first and second floors.
Library Liaison Program
Each academic department is assigned a faculty librarian liaison to assist with collection development efforts. The intent of this collaboration is to create an environment of teamwork between the academic departments and the library.
Library Research Instruction
Understanding how to find and use relevant information is essential to the success of a student’s academic career. Reference Instructors are responsible for introducing various information resources that are available in the library so that students form both academic and lifelong research skills to meet their information needs. Instruction is given specifically in how to search within the university’s online databases, how to search for books and other materials in the library, and how to determine relevant information on the Internet. Other important library services are also discussed.
How to Request Library Research Instruction Sessions
The BCU library offers library instruction to classes. The training sessions are most successful when coordinated with specific class assignments. Instructors are asked to describe the assignment when requesting library instruction. Librarians are happy to work with instructors to create or modify assignments to achieve the best results. As library instruction sessions are collaborative in nature, the library requires instructors to be present during the research instruction session.
Please use the online request form to schedule your classes.
A 14-day advanced notice is appreciated but not required to enable the best possible scheduling and planning of your session. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact Laura Quatrella (386) 481 2118 or Mr. Clayton Duhl at (386) 481-2188