• Within the first few days of move in, discuss your expectations and concerns with your roommate. (ex. Visitors, shared spaces etc..)
  • Establish ground rules, such as how to deal with common areas, cleaning duties etc.
    • e.g. Some roommates share food, that should be discussed beforehand. Otherwise eat only what you have purchased.
    • This will ensure that you and your roommate are on the same page.
  • Be respectful of each other's space.
    • e.g. Do not sit on your roommate's bed without permission.
    • e.g. Use headphones at those times when listening to music/watching videos. 
  • Be respectful of your roommate's/housemate's schedule.
    • e.g. Be quiet when he or she is resting.
  • Be friendly, be aware and respect the fact that everyone has days/times when they do not want to talk.
  • Respect and communication are the fundamental principles of a successful housemate/roommate relationship. A situation where member each take responsibility for their own possessions, and daily living helps increase respect between suitemates.
  • Only handle your roommate's property with their permission.
  • Monitor your guests. Make sure that your guest respects your roommates' side of the room whether they are present or not.
  • Social media should not be used to vent about a roommate issue.  Communicate how you are feeling. Your building RA's and RLC's can help mediate.
  • Treat your roommate as you wish to be treated.