Honor Board
University Honor Board
In establishing a responsible community, it is imperative that students, faculty, and staff assist in the enforcement of university regulations. Bethune-Cookman University community members are accountable to both civil authorities and to the University for acts, which constitute violations of law and of the community. The University will refer matters to federal and/or state authorities for prosecution when appropriate. Students accused of violating the value standards of conduct of this code or the zero-tolerance policy shall be given prompt written notice of the allegations, and shall be entitled to an informal hearing before a student judicial body or person. There are three hearing panels that make up the University Hearing Board:
University Judicial Panel
The UJP is charged with hearing alleged violations of the Student Honor Code referred to the Office of Student Conduct. The University Judicial Panel shall consist of thirty members from the University community of whom twenty shall be members of the faculty and/or staff appointed by the Vice President for Enrollment Management, or designee. Ten members shall be regularly enrolled students who serve on the Student Government Judicial Branch. Only five (5), two students, two faculty/staff and one faculty/staff chairperson will be needed per hearing. The Vice President for Enrollment Management shall appoint each year, several faculties or staff members to act as Chairpersons of the University Judicial Panel. The University Judicial Panel shall hear cases involving alleged violations of the Student Honor Code.
Academic Review Panel
Charged with hearing alleged violations of the Academic Integrity Value, including but not limited to plagiarism, cheating, misrepresentation and/or fabrication of one’s work and all other forms of academic dishonesty shall be referred to the Academic Review Panel by the University Provost, or designee. Cases involving academic dishonesty may initially be heard by bodies established by the university or the faculty member who may offer the student a grade sanction. The Academic Review Panel shall consist of five members of whom three shall be members of the faculty appointed by the Provost of the University or his/her designee and two shall be regularly enrolled students who serve on the Student Government Judicial Branch. The Provost, or designee, shall appoint, each year, a faculty member to act as Chairperson of the Academic Review Panel.
Housing Review Panel
Charged with hearing alleged violations specific to the Residence Hall policies, rules, and regulations, by residents and/or their guests. Incident reports are submitted to the Director of Housing and Residence Life for review. The Housing Review Board of the University shall consist of five members of whom two shall be members of the Residence Life staff or two staff members from the disciplinary committee and two shall be regularly enrolled students from the disciplinary committee or two student Residential Assistants and one Chairperson appointed by the Director of Housing and Residence Life or by the Vice President for Enrollment Management. The Director of Housing and Residence Life shall appoint a member of Hall Management professional staff to act as Chairperson of the Housing Review Panel. The Chairperson of the University Disciplinary Panel may also serve as the chair of the Housing Review Board. If a violation of the code is established, a punishment imposed by the Board may include but is not limited to, relocation, restitution, fines, residence hall probation, suspension or dismissal from the Residence Hall.