CESSM & IAEMP Outreach
The manuscripts for the Integrated Assessment and Ecosystem Management Protocol is out!
Reiter, M. A., G. C. Matlock, J. H. Gentile, M. A. Harwell, R. Kelty, J. Barko, S. Baker, and G. Scott. 2013. An integrated framework for informing coastal and marine ecosystem management decisions. Journal of Environmental Assessment, Policy, and Management 15(1) (March 2013) 1350003-1 – 1350003-22. DOI: 10.1142/S1464333213500038.
Humphreys, M. L., M. A. Reiter, and G. C. Matlock. 2014. Doing justice: The role of ethics in Integrated Ecosystem Management and the implementation of the Integrated Assessment and Ecosystem Management Protocol. Interdisc. Environ. Rev. 15(2-3):183-192. DOI: 10.1504/IER.2014.063647.
The manuscripts concerning the CESSM methodology are out. In order, they are:
Reiter, M. A., G. R. Parsons, R. W. Scarborough, C. Fan, and S. M. Thur. 2006. An interdisciplinary conceptual metamodel for the St. Jones River watershed, Delaware: Development, results, and implications. J. Environ. Monit. Restor. 2:38-50.
Reiter, M. A. 2004. A simple fuzzy logic approach to analyze integrated interdisciplinary “four-component” conceptual resource management models. Interdisc. Environ. Rev. 6(2):1-13.
Example narrowed models and models from the CESSM manuscript (may require Internet Explorer) are available here.
The first draft of the Coupled Ecological-Societal Systems Model (CESSM) for the St. Jones River watershed is available. You can download the zipped 2/20/03 version of the model as an Excel file (with matrices), or view an
Click this link to download the zipped version of the conceptual model (provides a clearer file and better formatting, but will require an unzipping utility).
If you can't use the zipped version, click this link to browse the