The focus will be on small congregations with a weekly attendance of between 75-150 people and who have a part-time or bi-vocational pastor.

A pilot program with a single church (Stewart Memorial) was done at the start of the grant. In 2021, a team of pastors and leaders from six churches were gathered to form the first cohort. 

New cohorts will form a learning community for mutual encouragement and education. Each year the church leadership teams will work with consultants from Ministry Architects to understand the unique needs and goals of their own congregation. A study of the community surrounding each church, along with reports and demographic maps of the county, will provide important data for mission decisions. 

The curriculum for the learning communities will focus on four key areas: hospitality, worship, systems, and technology. During the program, each church will develop their own blueprint for action and begin to implement plans that align with their mission and goals. The program includes coaching support and follow-up for an additional six months after the cohort ends. 

The School of Religion at Bethune-Cookman University (B-CU) offers a chance for the experiences and activities of the ELM program to teach the next wave of young ministers who, in turn, will offer congregations new insights into ministry for the 21st century.

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If your organization would like to apply or have a questions for our team please don’t hesitate to reach our office.

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