The College of Education’s Admission Committee conducts the process of admitting applicants into the College of Education Teacher Education Program. Admission Committee Members review applications, required documents, and provide recommendations on applicant status. In addition, the Committee reviews the Teacher Education Program Admission process policies and procedures. 

Committee Membership

The Admission Committee consists of faculty members representing a variety of majors within the School of Education (SOE).  A Chairperson is elected from the committee. The committee works closely with the SOE Assessment Office for identification of potential candidates and reporting purposes.

Preparing for Admissions to the TEP (see infographic)


Applicants must meet the following requirements:

  • A 2.5 GPA
  • A grade of “C” or better in EN 131, EN 132, MAT 131, and MAT 132 (or equivalent for transfer students and majors)
  • A grade of “C” or better in ESE 200 Survey of Exceptional Students or ED 231 Introduction to Education or MUE 231 Introduction to Music Education (or equivalent for transfer students)
  • Passing FTCE General Knowledge Scores (all subtests) or FLDOE state approved GRE scores
  • Transcripts
  • Successful Early Dispositions Rating
  • Admission Application

In accordance with the Council for Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP), Standard 3: Candidate Quality, “Educator preparation providers establish and monitor attributes and disposition beyond academic ability that candidates must demonstrate at admission and during the program”.