Transfer Equivalency Information
Students who transfer credit from other regionally accredited institutions will have their course equivalencies available for viewing within approximately two weeks after being accepted to the University which includes receipt of Official College Transcripts and payment of the Enrollment Deposit. Transfer credit is posted to students’ academic record/transcript displaying the prior institution and the year/term in which the course(s) was taken. The grade earned will also be posted. Students may view their transfer credit via Wildcat Web by checking their Academic Transcript. Please note that transfer credit is not calculated in a student’s GPA here at Bethune-Cookman University (B-CU). No quality points or transfer GPA will show on the transcript. All courses that could be applied to any B-CU major will be transferred in. Only degree-level credit is transferrable. A grade of C or better is required for transferability. Individual courses marked as“not transferrable” in the transfer institution’s catalog will not transfer.
Remedial/Developmental courses do not transfer. Please note that students who still require developmental courses will have the developmental courses from their prior institution(s) posted in our system in order to meet federal financial aid regulations. The courses themselves do not transfer or satisfy B-CU’s developmental requirements.
Transfer credit from institutions who are/were on the quarter system will have their quarter credits converted to semester credits. For courses whose quarter credits closely match semester credit (4 quarter credits equals 2.66 semester credits; 5 quarter credits equals 3.33 semester credits) and whose course description matches B-CU’s will have the course content considered met but may require additional credit to be earned in order to ensure the total number of required credits are met for degree completion.
Bethune-Cookman University welcomes veterans to submit their official Joint Services Transcripts. We will accept the ACE recommendations provided with the transcript for courses that are degree-level and apply to any of our programs of study. Unfortunately, many of the ACE recommendations are not applicable to traditional liberal arts programs.
Please note that due to rapidly changing technology, computer courses more than five years old may not necessarily be considered valid indicators of computer skills and may not transfer in as useable credit.
Courses that do not have exact equivalents will be coded as XELE and should be considered elective credit. For
Upper-level credit will transfer in as upper-division credit (300 and 400) and may require evaluation by the appropriate department. Lower level credit may only be used to satisfy lower-level requirements unless otherwise approved in writing by the Dean of the associated school or college. Upper-level credit may sometimes be used to satisfy lower-level requirements as deemed appropriate by the Office of the Registrar and/or the associated school or college.
Examples: PS1ELE = Psychology 100 level elective; BA 3ELE = Business 300 level elective
Courses that do not match any courses offered at this institution may be reviewed for specific course credit upon submission of a course syllabus from the school where the course was taken and a written request from the student. The syllabus needs to match the attendance period in which the course was taken to be considered an accurate depiction of course content. This information is to be submitted to the Office of the Registrar. Upon review by the appropriate department, exact course credit may or may not be awarded. If the course is not deemed a suitable match to a B-CU course, it will remain coded as an area elective at the corresponding level. This credit may be used as elective credit where applicable.
Students with an earned Associate of Arts degree from a regionally accredited College or University will have all credits transferred in, including individual grades of D. Additionally, all Bethune-Cookman University general education requirements will be considered met for Bachelor of Arts programs. In the event a student has not taken the exact same general education courses as are required at B-CU, the Office of the Registrar will use other lower-level courses to satisfy the general education curriculum. Bachelor of Science programs may require students to meet additional requirements for specific majors.
Any earned degree other than an Associate of Arts will have credit transferred in strictly on a course-by-course basis.
No more than 90 hours of transfer credit may be used toward satisfying undergraduate degree requirements.
Students who attended an institution that is not regionally accredited may request to have individual courses reviewed for transferability. That request should be made to the Office of the Registrar and requires submission of a course syllabus. The syllabus needs to match the attendance period in which the course was taken to be considered an accurate depiction of course content. Upon review by the appropriate department chair and/or dean, exact course credit may or may not be awarded.
Credits will NOT be accepted for transfer into the University if the courses are more than 10 years old. Exceptions to this policy can only be made at the recommendation of the Dean of the student’s school or college associated with the student’s officially declared major.
Credit-By-Examination from other institutions is generally not accepted as B-CU.
Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), Cambridge AICE, and CLEP credit are accepted at B-CU provided the minimum cut scores are met. Please have official test scores/results sent directly to the Office of the Registrar.
International Students must provide official college transcripts to an accredited credentialing agency and request that a course-by-course evaluation
We hope this explanation makes the transfer credit evaluation process easier for advisors and students alike. If you have questions or need clarification please contact Nikisha Clayton in the Office of the Registrar who may also be reached by calling 386-481-2525.