Interdisciplinary Environmental Association (IEA)

The IEA is a non-profit, educational organization with two objectives: First, to bring together all disciplines so that their learning about environmental issues is enhanced through interdisciplinary communication; Second, to inform the educated layperson about accomplishments, current concerns, and plans for a cleaner future.

The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization

For those interested in international aspects of ecology and environmental science, UNESCO is a good resource both for information and for programs in which you can participate. One such program, developed by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO, is OceanExpert: A Global Directory of Marine and Freshwater Professionals.

Internetwork for Sustainability (iNSnet)

iNSnet is a private and privately-funded initiative with the goal of supporting, and enhancing global communication on, sustainable development. They have a website that includes related global news headlines, a database of initiatives and programs involving sustainability issues, and support for those looking to initiate a sustainable project or teach about sustainability issues. They are also active in initiating pilot projects in the Netherlands based on best practices.

Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment

SCOPE is an international organization of countries and scientific organizations dedicated to efforts linking science and environmental policy. There is an impressive list of publications on regional and global environmental issues, a few of them downloadable! SCOPE is an interdisciplinary scientific committee of the International Council for Science, an organization that seeks to bridge national and disciplinary boundaries to address global issues in the natural sciences.

SciDev Net

This site, sponsored by the Third World Academy of Sciences along with several governmental and scientific organizations, reviews issues and news of importance to scientific and developmental issues in Third World countries.

The Ecological Society of America Homepage

The Ecological Society America was founded in 1915 for the purpose of unifying the science of ecology, stimulating research in all aspects of the discipline, encouraging communication among ecologists, and promoting the responsible application of ecological data and principles to the solution of environmental problems.

The Environmental Protection Agency

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration Here are two government sites for locating environmental regulations and standards. Use the EPA site for environmental regulations and the OSHA site for workplace-related standards. Both sites have links to specific regulations and related information.


This is the web site of a non-profit "grassroots online community" dedicated to the promotion of environmental issues worldwide. There are activist-related links, directories and libraries of environmental organizations, education resources, an environmental arts site, and data such as a world species list and an Endangered Species Act site.

The Center for International Earth Science Information Network

The Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN) facilitates access to data and information on human interactions in the environment, global environmental change, and sustainable development. The CIESIN Gateway provides access to a distributed catalog that identifies data and information resources relevant to these topics, and conducts simultaneous search and retrieval across diverse databases worldwide.

North American Lake Management Society

This organization's goal is to encourage partnerships among citizens, business, scientists, and professionals in order to further the management and protection of lakes and reservoirs. Nice bookstore and publications list.

The Secchi Dip-In

For those of you interested in environmental monitoring, this is a wonderful example of a national volunteer lake monitoring program that collects some important data that would be hard to obtain through other methods.

North American Benthological Society

The North American Benthological Society (NABS) is a scientific organization focusing on the biotic communities found at the bottom of lakes and streams. The site has resources including newsgroups, scientific links, a data page, access to slide sets, and tutorials for preparing different types of scientific presentations.

Valuing Nature Network

An interdisciplinary network for valuing biodiversity, ecosystem services and natural resource use, The Valuing Nature Network seeks to support interdisciplinary partnerships that scope, develop and promote research capacity in the valuation of biodiversity, ecosystem services and natural resources, and facilitate the integration of such approaches into policy and practice in the public and private sectors.

International Lake Environment Committee Homepage

This is a foundation dedicated to the management of lakes and reservoirs worldwide. There is a nice lake database here, as well as access to listings of international publications and conferences on lake/reservoir management and environmental education (also related topics).

Great Lakes Information Network

This is the web site of the resource center developed in 1982 by the National Wildlife Federation to address pollution, water diversions, wetland loss, and related threats to the health of the Great Lakes.

The U.S. Geological Survey Homepage

This is the entryway to the USGS web site, with a wealth of information on environmental topics (primarily physical factors and processes, but not entirely). Be sure to check out their software archive, containing a wide array of hydrologic modelling programs available for downloading.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service strives to conserve this nation's fish and wildlife resources through habitat protection, waterfowl management, and endangered species recovery.

National Center for Biotechnology Information

The NCBI provides access to data and information concerning biotechnology and related health issues.

Adirondack Watershed Institute home page

Located at Paul Smiths College, this site addresses water quality issues important to the Adirondacks region. There is a phytoplankton photomicrograph library at this site.

North American Association for Environmental Education

This page is for data that might provide raw material for the development of instructional resources, environmental courses, or student projects.

Paddle Library: An Oceanography Resource Guide

A very useful site for links to all things ocean science, including some career information.


A networking site for information and resources concerning wind energy.

Environmental Consulting Career Tips

A site with some career information for students looking for a career in environmental consulting assembled by environmental consultants.


A site with information on a wide range of topics in environmental science, including lectures, careers, article links by topic, salary information, and university environmental science programs.