Eligibility Criteria
Applicant Must:
- Have a 2.8 or higher cumulative GPA (preferred).
- Be enrolled full-time (12+ credits) in a biology, biochemistry, chemistry, computer science, computer engineering, computer information systems, environmental science, or mathematics program.
- Be a citizen of the United States, national of the United States (as defined in section 101(a) of the Immigration and Nationality Act), alien admitted as refugee under section 207 of the Immigration and Nationality Act, or alien lawfully admitted to the United States for permanent residence.
- Demonstrate financial need based on the information provided in your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
- Agree to participate in B-CU STEM cohort activities.
- Complete FAFSA
- Confirm your financial need with B-CU's Financial Aid Office PRIOR TO submitting your application by contacting Kevin T. McCrary at mccraryk@cookman.edu.
- APPLY for the (STUT-STEMEx) scholarship.
Apply by completing the (STUT-STEMEx) Scholarship Form and include:- (STUT-STEMEx) Application
- One-page personal essay describing your academic and career plans (250-350 words)
- Two letters of recommendation (upon request).
Students selected as (STUT-STEMEx) scholarship recipients must agree to participate in B-CU STUT-STEMEx program activities and respond to any survey administered during the program and post-graduation. Program activities include a welcome orientation, faculty mentor meetings, special topic seminars and field trips (including NASA Kennedy Space Center), and an annual scholarship reception. Students will have the opportunity to participate in a REU at the other institutions and to attend regional and national STEM conferences.
To continue in the program, a student must:
- maintain full-time status (minimum of 12 credits per semester)
- maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better
- actively participate in the B-CU STUT-STEMEx program activities.
- actively participation in 3 events or activities hosted by Career Services.
Students who drop a class or classes before the start of semester, resulting in enrollment of less than full time, will have their scholarship award removed.
Students who are awarded scholarships and fail to maintain the academic criteria (GPAs lower than 3.0), will be placed on probation for one semester. To regain eligibility after the probationary period, an individualized plan with the needed assistance and academic supports must be developed with the student's faculty mentor and approved by the STUT-STEMEx Coordinator. Students who have not met program requirements during the probationary period will lose their eligibility for program participation and scholarship.
STUT-STEMEx students must demonstrate their academic eligibility each semester. A student who receives a scholarship for the fall semester and follows all requirements will be automatically granted a scholarship for the spring semester. Continuation from spring to fall semester follows the same requirements; however, the amount of the scholarship may vary in the next academic year based on the financial needs of the student as determined by the FAFSA.
Scholarship Retention Criteria
Students will retain their scholarships provided they meet the following criteria in each academic semester:
- Academic Performance. Scholars must maintain an overall and major cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher. Any Scholar whose GPA falls below a 3.0 will be placed on program probation for one semester with additional mentoring and supplemental academic coaching and instruction. If he/she does not show improvement after one semester on probation, he/she will be dropped from the program. If a Scholar is released from the program, B-CU will select a replacement as described below.
- Academic Progress. Scholars must remain on track to graduate in four years, successfully complete required coursework, and actively participate in the Pathways program.