Strengthening The University Through STEM Excellence (STUT-STEMEx)
The University received a grant from the USDoE to strengthen the capacity of Bethune-Cookman University. The Office of Title III, ARG, and FUTURE, in efforts to accomplish that overall goal, awarded an activity in the grant to increase the rate of successful student post-degree STEM workforce or graduate school enrollment among low-income underrepresented minority students.
This funded (Title III) project helps the institution of higher education to become self-sufficient and expand its capacity to serve low-income underrepresented minority students by providing funds to improve and strengthen the academic quality and will enhance the institutional financial management.
Strengthening The University Through STEM Excellence (STUT-STEMEx) is part of the Department of Mathematics and Physics, Department Computer and Information Science and Engineering, Department of Integrated Environmental Science and Department of Natural Sciences in the College of Science Engineering and Mathematics (CSEM) at Bethune-Cookman University (B-CU). We are happy to collaborate with other organizations and other departments, and gratefully acknowledge their collaboration and support:
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