About Your 1098 Form

Federal regulations allow those eligible to receive IRS Form 1098-T the option to receive the form electronically instead of through the mail.  As a result, Bethune-Cookman University students will be able to view and print an official IRS Form 1098-T through TSC1099 Web Services rather than wait for the form to be mailed.  When you give consent, you may view the form as soon as it is available each January. 

Following are the benefits of receiving the 1098-T electronically:

  • Electronic delivery will provide access to Form 1098-T as soon as they become available.
  • Online delivery eliminates the chance that the 1098-T will get lost or delayed during delivery.
  • Signing up for online delivery is easy and is available at any time.
  • Please click here for the instructions on how to pull up your Tax form 1098-T.

1098 Form FAQs

Bethune-Cookman University is offering you the opportunity to retrieve your 2022 Form 1098-T online in January 2023.

IRS regulations state that each student who wishes to receive their 1098-T electronically must also provide his/her consent electronically. Therefore, if you wish to take advantage of this you must visit www.tsc1098t.com .  The instructions are outlined below:

Go to www.tsc1098t.com

Enter the Site ID: 10703

User Name: Student ID Number

Password: Last 4 digits of your SSN*

* Please note that if you have logged in and consented to receive your prior year 1098T you can disregard this email.

Also, if you have previously logged in then your password is what you changed it to and not the last 4 of your SSN.  There is a forgot password option available on the login screen.

For security reasons, you will be prompted to change your password.  Enter your current password (last four digits of your SSN) and then enter a new password.  Students who do not have an SSN or did not provide one to the school must enter 0000 for the temporary password.  After clicking Log in, an automated email will be sent to your email address on file and allow you to reset your password.  The new password must be at least 8 characters and contain at least one upper case letter, one lower case letter, one numeric character and one special character.  This password will be your password going forward so please make note of it.

Once you have entered your new password, you will be presented with the online consent form.  If you agree, click on “Consent”.  If you consent, you will NOT be mailed a 1098-T and must return to the site after January 30, 2023 to view/print a copy of your 2022 Form 1098-T.  Your consent will apply to 2022 and subsequent years.

We ask that you take advantage of this service to reduce costs here at Bethune-Cookman University and lessen the environmental impact.

If you have any questions, please contact Student Accounts at (386) 481-2507.

To review information about these two Tax Credit options as a result of the Tax Relief Act of 1997, you may access IRS Publication 970, "Tax Benefits for Education".

You can view the information contained within the 1098-T through Wildcat Web by clicking:

  3. MY 1098-T INFO

Institutions of higher education have the option of reporting either payments received (Box 1) or qualified charges billed (Box 2) to the IRS.

Eligible or qualified charges are any in-state or out-of-state tuition charges plus the following fees: athletic, recreation, student activity, technology, B-CU institutional and testing fees.

Non-qualified charges include the following: books, housing, meal plan, health fee, insurance, or any transportation fees or costs.

Bethune-Cookman University will report all charges billed to the account within the calendar year (Jan. 1st-Dec. 31st).

Students automatically charge their accounts by registering for classes. If you registered during early registration (typically Oct. or Nov.), you charged your account at that time, making those charges eligible to claim the previous year and should have reflected on the previous year's 1098-T. 

Please note that it is oftentimes the case that if the student receives the HOPE scholarship, it will apply to the account in Jan. for the spring semester, so while the student's charges will appear on the previous year's 1098-T, the HOPE scholarship will often appear on the current 1098-T.

To obtain a duplicate 1098-T form, you may access:www.tsc1099.comOnce there, click:

  1. SITE ID: 10703
  2. USERNAME: Student ID
  3. PASSWORD: Last 4-digits of your Social Security Number

From here, enter the required information and a copy of the 1098-T will be emailed to you.

1098-T forms are mailed to the student's permanent residence listed in Wildcat Web. If your 1098-T was mailed to the wrong address, please make sure all information in Wildcat Web is currently up-to-date. You can ONLY update address information by going to the Registrar’s office.

There is no requirement for the 1098-T to be attached along with your tax return. This document may be kept for your personal records.

Beginning in 2012, VA Benefits received under the Post 9/11 GI Bill is now reported as scholarships on the 1098-T form in Box 5. Although VA benefits are not considered a resource when need is calculated, the IRS has recently defined Box 5 to include payments received from governmental entities. The definition of Box 5 is:

The total amount of any scholarships or grants administered and processed during the calendar year for the payment of the student's costs of attendance. Scholarships and grants generally include all payments received from 3rd parties (excluding family members and loan proceeds). This includes payments received from governmental and private entities such as the Department of Defense, civic, and religious organizations, and nonprofit entities.

For more information, you may access https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/i1098et.pdf.

Any further questions can be directed to a representative in the Office of Student Accounts via email at 1098t@cookman.edu or phone @ 386-481-2507. You may also want to consider viewing the following Web sites for more detailed information:

*Bethune-Cookman University is not authorized to offer any personal tax advice. Please address all questions and concerns regarding personal tax matters to a tax consultant/advisor or the IRS directly @ 1-800-829-1040.