Call for Concept Papers
In January 2021, the QEP Development Committee published a call for concept papers to solicit brief suggestions (2-3 pages maximum) to the campus community on initiatives that could serve as the basis for the QEP. The intention of these concept papers was to provide preliminary description of new and/or enhanced activities that would have a measurable impact on student learning and/or the learning environment at Bethune-Cookman University. A virtual webinar was provided in February 2021 to the university community to explain the topic and concept paper submission.
A concept review subcommittee was formed to review all four submitted concept papers according to a rubric. The highest scored concept paper was “Bethune-Cookman University Experiential Learning for the Fourth Industrial Revolution”, and the author was invited to serve on the Development committee to develop the proposal further. The committee renamed the QEP topic to “Collaborative Experiential Learning” to include the concept paper components and to incorporate the concept paper’s suggestion of using experiential learning to develop teamwork and other transferable competencies and skills in B-CU students.