
How was the QEP topic selected and developed?

QEP Development Committee Formation and Topic Selection

Under the leadership of Dr. Narendra Patel, Senior Advisor to the President for Accreditation, Quality Control, Compliance and Institutional Effectiveness, and Dr. Roberta Troy, Special Advisor to the president, the development committee was charged to establish a structure for the University’s QEP topic selection and oversee its development. Emphasis was placed on the importance of the topic selection alignment with the University’s mission, vision, core values, and the priority goals of the University’s constituents.

Due to the challenges associated with COVID-19, university-wide activities were limited, and the committee was utilized for topic selection. In Fall 2020, a survey among the committee was conducted to determine the possible topic related to improving student learning and engagement. Due to the similarity of the top three ranked themes provided which focused on experiential learning, the committee combined the themes into one: “Integrating Experiential Learning into the Undergraduate Classroom.”