CSEM Programs
MUREP - Minority University Research and Education Project
Bethune-Cookman University (B-CU) received $1.5 million award from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) through the NASA’s MUREP program to develop and establish a multi-university Institute of DEAP (Data Science Equity, Access and Priority. The NASA MUREP DEAP Institute is a three-university consortium, led by B-CU and partner with Alabama A&M University (AAMU) and Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (ERAU).
STUT-STEMEx - Strengthening The University Through STEM Excellence
The University received a grant from the USDoE to strengthen the capacity of Bethune-Cookman University. The Office of Title III, ARG, and FUTURE, in efforts to accomplish that overall goal, awarded an activity in the grant to increase the rate of successful student post-degree STEM workforce or graduate school enrollment among low-income underrepresented minority students.
ADAPT-EI - Advancing Data Analytics Program through Environmental Intelligence
The Title III-funded ADAPT-EI program at Bethune-Cookman University is searching for eligible student candidates who are interested in and will dedicate to the exciting opportunity to become ADAPT-EI scholars.
REU - Mathematical Modeling in Environmental, Biological, and Other Sciences
The REU Site: Mathematical Modeling in Environmental, Biological and Other Sciences (
IES - Integrated Environmental Science
Bethune-Cookman University seeks to provide education and research opportunities in both basic and applied interdisciplinary environmental science for undergraduate and graduate students while being a resource for the local community, the state, and the nation. Our courses are designed to meet the needs of students working toward graduate work in environmental science and/or careers in pre-professional environmental fields, resource management, and field science, environmental policy, or as environmental practitioners.
MSEIP - Robotics Academy
Bethune - Cookman University received a Minority Science Engineering Improvement Program (MSEIP) grant from the Department of Education. The goal of this three-year program is to increase minority representation in STEM majors and careers through focused mentoring and research opportunities.
MSEIP - Robotics Education and Research
Bethune - Cookman University received a Minority Science Engineering Improvement Program (MSEIP) grant from the Department of Education. The goal of this three-year program is to increase minority representation in STEM majors and careers through focused mentoring and research opportunities.