Institutional Effectiveness
The mission of Institutional Effectiveness is to build capacity for a culture of evidence and continuous improvement. We support the University's mission, core values and pursuit of academic and operational excellence through the collection, analysis and reporting of data that informs the strategic planning process, promotes effective allocation of resources, engages faculty and staff in the continuous improvement of the Institution’s programs and services, and provides accountability to stakeholders.
- B-CU Academic Programs by CIP Codes 2024-2025
- B-CU Status Representation Statements 2024-2025
- Institutional Profile 2023
- Student Success Measures 2019
- ICUF EASE Grant Measures 2022-2023
EASE Grant Performance Measures on Access Rate, Affordability Rate, Graduation Rate, Retention Rate and Postgraduate Employment Rate are posted on the Independent Colleges and Universities of Florida (ICUF) Dashboard